We are in May. We are three months away from leaving for France. I am starting to feel the excitement and anxiety rise! To be honest, life is so very busy that I have precious little time to worry about this big move we are about to make. Living in the moment - for better or for worse - is something I am good at. But it does not change the fact that we need our support to be in before we can leave. Where are we at?
Monthly support - 71%
Outgoing Support - 86%
It is looking very good, but we are not done, yet. We still have many who have told us they will support us but who have not yet turned in any pledge or gift. And we are waiting to hear from our home church about support. We know they want to, but how much they can give is still being worked out. So please keep praying.
Oh - and an update on the house - it is sold. We moved up the closing date and it is officially not ours anymore. We are moving out on June 13th. The more people we tell about the selling of the house, the more we realize just how rare it is to sell a house so quickly. We are very thankful as it has freed us up to work on other things. Sometimes I think God spoils us, but don't tell Him I told you that:)
We hope you have all enjoyed a good Easter and a wonderful Mother's Day.
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