"I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light." --- JK Falconer

Thursday, November 5, 2009

AIM candidate school

We're headed to school! Well, actually it's just a one week conference at AIM headquarters in NY. But we are excited. It is the first step in deciding if AIM is a good fit for us as a missions agency. They meet and evaluate us and we meet and evaluate them. We also get valuable information regarding working as a full-time missionary: preparations, sending churches, friend-raising, saying goodbyes, adjusting to other cultures, etc. We will be going as a family - staying in Washington, DC for a couple nights on our way up (we are driving). For those of you who have been supporting us in prayer and on our other trips, we would love to have your continued prayer support as we head into this conference. We are asking God to direct our steps. I am really challenging myself to be attentive to Him - listening to all He wants me to hear. And I know that I will need help with that! Especially since I let the boys and the world drown out His voice. Also, Andy has been sick - first with H1N1 and now with a nasty cold. Please pray we all stay healthy for this week, especially. I know many of you are dealing with sickness, too. Please let us know if there are specific ways we could be praying for you! I am hoping to spend some serious time with God next week, so I would be happy to bring your requests before Him:)

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