"I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light." --- JK Falconer

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

News through Dr. Ann

Aug. 4th

Just wanted to let you know why you haven't heard from Andy and Cari in a
little while. I came away to Ndjamena on Monday 26th July for various
meetings and bringing the volunteers up. The theory was that I would have a
new tank put on my vehicle and return Saturday. BUT!! the car was not ready
and is still not ready. I fell sick on Sunday and am still not very mobile.
But I am in sms touch with them. They seem to be doing okay although
obviously sms does not give any room for detail. Don't know if she said but
Cari was to start teaching English at the church "summer school" on the
Monday I left. She was to be teaching various levels and when I spoke to her
once, she said it went well. I know she was glad to get out doing something.
Andy is kept busy with children at the hospital, some very sick. His
interpreter seems to be working out well, thankfully.
Think that is all for now. Hope to get back there in a few days.
Best wishes

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