"I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light." --- JK Falconer

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Through our friend, Debbie, an update

Andy has sent a few messages.. and would like praises for Cari's
teaching. It is going well. Hi to everyone! They have no email this
week as Ann is here dropping the two British volunteers off for their
flights to UK on Friday. Pray for her time here to get lots of things
done while in town. Pray for Tom and Phil who have just finished 3 1/2
months in Bebalem and head to UK for university this fall. Pray for the
family as they are there without a computer for the week. (so far so
good! :) They are looking forward to her return. :)
The big prayer for everyone here is for Pam Propst. She had three days
with lots of negative symptoms that seem to be due to the seizure meds
she was on at first. They have switched meds and she is improving.
They are so happy about that as they were talking medical evacuation to
Europe. Please pray that the new medicine would work better. We are
waiting for blood work to come back this afternoon. Pray that the
bruise on her brain would continue to heal. Pray that the team
supporting her would be able to discover the emergency office details
that must be attended to .. and attend to them. Pam has big shoes to
fill. Pray also for Pam's family and team here as they love her dearly
and want her to heal quickly.
Thank you so much for getting folks to pray! I know that Pam, and Andy
and family, appreciate it! God hears our prayers!
Bless you all!

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